Friday, March 14, 2008


I've been tagged!

A: Each player answers the questions about themselves.

B: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged on your blog.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
The Tax Commission.
Hobbies: Playing Soccer and having Dean Morrell Show up and make me feel really old at 30. Thanks for the challenge Dean. It made me feel good to find out he was so much younger and also challenged me to get in better shape
Family: Coaching Jessica’s rec. team and have people amazed that the kids were not playing total bunch ball. Holding Ashley until she was thru throwing her tantrum. They would last more than ½ hour. Seemed like an eternity. She is much more civil now. Trips to Bear Lake and Disneyland. Helping my folks build their cabin.
Church: The adult Sunday school teacher. Best calling I have ever had. It forced me to study. I would take it again in a heart beat.

Five things on my "to-do" list today.
1. Finish my table changes at work
2. MHS Soccer game vs East
3. Ashley’s practice
4. Do something for Karen. I have not helped out around the house much this week
5. Wrestle with the boys.
6. Tell Karen, Jess, Ashley, Rach, Tyler and Tanner that I love them.

Three bad habits.
1 - Not knowing when to use sarcasm
2 - Not showing enough attention to people while they talk to me
3 – Not complimenting people enough (I see lots of good in people, I just don’t share it enough)

If I were suddenly a billionaire I would.....
Pay off the house.
Create investment that would take care of my family.
Retire early and just do odd jobs for pure enjoyment.
Set up a Vacation fund (investment).
Set up a Fund to let me so secret santa stuff year round.
Let Karen decorate the entire house.
Get ready to go on a couples mission.

Five Places I've lived.
Murray, Delaware, Murray, Guatemala, Murray, Orem, Murray, Murray, Murray. It always comes back to Murray. It is HOME

Five Jobs I've had.
WCF, Utah State Tax Commission, Metz Bakery, Orange Julius, Lawn care company

Five things people don't know about me
1. I tried out for the BYU Football team
2. I Graduated from Weber State
3. I really am not (really)a mean grumpy person
4. I am fearful of losing my car keys down the water drains in a parking lot
5. I hate passing on things like this Tag
So….. If you read this, I would like to know more about you. Add it to your blog and leave a comment for me to come visit your blog.


Kelly T, that's me! said...

BYU football huh? That's very cool.

Jennica said...

send me your email and I will invite you to my blog then I will do the "tagged" post.

Julie said...

Mogie, your blog is so fun to read. Thanks for writing your insights on spiritual matters and writing so I can get to know you better. I wish I knew when to use sarcasm as well. I also wish I was better at giving compliments too. Trent is good at that.