Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Old Man

Well, the older my kids get, the more I realize I am turning into my dad. Jessica especially likes to remind me of this fact. It generally has to do with what I listen to in the car versus what she wants to listen to in the car. I listen to talk radio. Part of that is because I am a sport nut and part is because that is my chance to get some news and get caught up on current events. At home when I watch TV (which is not often) I want to watch for entertainment. Lately, with election stuff, I have watched the news more than before. Anyway, because of that I decided to add music to the blog, so that Jess could see I have another side.

There are differences and similarities in our music choices. I will admit that there are some of her songs I quite enjoy, but there are also some that I can NOT stand. I do not lean towards any particular kind of music. I like pop, western, country, rock, hard and soft rock and probably some types of music that I do not even know how to classify. My criteria for good music is: it must have a good rhythm and I need to like the words. That excludes some songs because I can not understand the words.

I have music conversations with co-workers and neighbors and I don’t really know what they are talking about. However those same friends, because they know my tastes, have introduced me to several good new artist that I have added to my list. Most of those artist are good enough to not only perform, but also write their own stuff. Several of my favorites include Paul Simon, Billy Joel, John Denver, and Jack Johnson. I picked several to share with you here today. Hope you enjoy. Some of these even Jess will enjoy. Others she will be shocked that I know them. She will be even more shocked to learn that the version she listens to is just a remake of a song from MY era.

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