Monday, February 11, 2008


Well today was weird. I read back thru several of my previous blogs and realized that that my spelling is horrific. Blogs need to have spell check. Where is that F7 button anyway?

I had to play around with templates today. I did not like the size of the main bar and the side bars. Jon (a coworker) said that my knowledge of html would really come in handy. It did. I realized how little knowledge I have. I did learn a bit while I played around with the setting on each widget. It is now OK, but I need to get photoshop so I can get some picture loaded up I found out that the firewall is not liking me sending the LARGE photos. I need to resize and get some picture out here. I did add the one at the top. Thanks to Steph. This is my favorite picture from the high school season. It was incredible to watch. More incredible that Steph just popped up unharmed and even more incredible that someone got the picture.

Today we went to Tyler’s class. He is the “star student” this week (birthdays you know). First we had a nice little presentation and then answered questions from the crowd. Most of the kids wanted to know embarrassing moments. I was stumped, as was my family. The more I thought about it I was glad that we were all stumped. I have enough of my own embarrassing moments in my mind. I don’t want others to be keeping track of them too.

Instead we all told some humorous moments and some proud moments about Tyler. He is a pretty remarkable kid and loves to hear people “brag” about him. I guess we all do at times. The thing that stands out to me the most is how we tend to look around the neighborhood and school and see so many amazing people and families. They all have traits that we admire and I catch myself thinking “if only we could be like them……” Fact is, if we were just like them we wouldn’t have some of the amazing moments we have. I guess it is good we can not remember the embarrassment and just see so many good things about each other. In fact I think the thing I liked most was watching the excitement in Rachel and Ashley’s eyes as they told neat stories about their brother. They DO love each other!!! Now we just need to get them to remember that and act like it a little more often.

So one of the things that stands out about Tyler. As small as he is, he is definitely bigger than life. What ever he sets out to do he does in a big way. From Math to running, soccer to stamp collecting. He does it well and then some. He excels big time at some many things. I think that is why he gets frustrated when he is not the best at something. He is too accustom to being the best at everything. This too is improving with time though.