Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Before you read on try the video. Do exactly what the orator tells you. I have found it very interesting. Please let me know what your "answer" was. I have done this with people at work and with my soccer teams and family. I have found it very interesting.

Now if you have done the video you may continue to read......

Perspective is an interesting part of life. I first saw this from a work environment and could see myself an others with this "problem". I personally saw the "funny" item when it was first shown but have had times at work when I have been overwhelmed with things and have been caught up in the task and missed other things because of it. My first thought was about home and wondering how much this influences things at our house as well. Do I get caught up in taking care of chores instead of taking care of family? Does the house get to a state of chaos that makes it hard to see needs instead of messes. The answer to both of those was ...... sometimes. I think it is why we have been counseled to make our homes and lives a place of order. When it is it makes it easier to see the gorillas that may present themselves in our lives and the lives of our family and friends.

My next thought went to my soccer teams. I have several players who do NOT see the field at all. The more I thought about it it was because they are focusing too much on "tasks" like they were in this clip. They were worried about how to control the ball, how to trap it, how to kick it etc because they had not mastered those skills. I needed to focus more on the fundamentals of the game so that those skills are mastered and allow them to free their minds and "see the field" and/or "gorillas" that our opponents would throw at them.

This was all coupled with a great Lesson that Brian and Katrina taught in Sunday school this week. In the Family relations class they talked about getting what you look for. I have been thinking a lot about that over the last few days. I think it is majorly true in EVERYTHING we do. The lyrics to a famous song say " there is good and bad in everyone" We see exactly what we look for. Irving Berlin said "Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it." I have a friend at work who complained because their spouse had not done something they normally do. I thought WOW that is neat that your spouse does that. Instead of appreciating something special that normally happens, they were angry in not getting the norm. In our home we have a tendency to do the same thing. It usually happens when we make comparisons. We look around the neighborhood and see some incredible families, great parents, super kids and see their accomplishments and think if we could only be more like them. When in truth those are great people, but the DeManns are not too shabby either. So..... I am going to take a minute to let you see just a few of the things that are pretty WOW about us too.

Tanner - He is mister personality. I don't think there is anyone who meets him that doesn't like him. He is warm and loving and senses when people need love and is very willing to share a hug to make them feel better.

Tyler - He has an incredible mind. I think it is constantly thinking. He is great at solving problems. He excels in Math and is a superb reader. He is very athletic. He made the Max Soccer team, is playing up a year, and is a leader on the team.

Rachel - Can bring happiness to everyone. what ever she does she puts her whole self into and brings emotion to it. She is very good with Kids. She can keep track of tons of things and have fun with "people" chores. She is a great baby sitter and is very artistic.

Ashley - Is the consummate studier. Not everything comes easy to Ashley, but she never lets that stop her. She works at thing until she gets them. That will push her thru life to accomplish anything she wants. She is always thinking of and concerned for others. Her heart is so big she can be best friends with the entire 7th grade and it almost seems like she is.

Jessica - Jon Decker said it best about Jess, "Look out dad, she is a boy killer, she is the complete package" She is beautiful inside and out. She is athletic, very musically talented, a creative drawer and is pulling a 4.0 (Cumulative). Never had anything but A. I wish I could have said that about me.

Karen - WOW, how do you even start with Karen. You can see where the girls get their good looks. She is gorgeous. She has the heart the size of Texas. She would do anything for the people around her. She is creative. I love watching her work with her kindergarten art group. They have fun and learn and Karen just comes to life with excitement. She loves people and will do just about anything to be around them. Our home is always open to people in one way or another. Several friend have planned activities and volunteer our home. People I have told have wondered about the nerve of people offering our home. Karen (and I) would have it no other way. She loves people and feels great that they feel good enough around her to do that. She is incredible.

So having put that in perspective I offer on last thought to about our" vision.

"It's not what happens to you , but how you react to it that matters" -Epictetus

Purpose -nothing changes until something moves - How will you choose to respond? The choice is your! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks hon... I failed to respond in a good way this morning. Humbling realization we have to continually work on self control and all those great qualities the
Savior spoke of in the beatitudes. I just taught the lesson yesterday, and failed to act the right way today.. Interesting how that happens. To be meek, merciful, poor in spirit, a peacemaker and all those others. Love ya Karen

Dan the Man said...

I like the chronicles of Narnia
and the Harry Potter books