Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Start of a new year

January 5, 2010
Well, it’s January 2010 already. I cannot understand where the time goes. 2 weeks ago (last Sunday in December the Lunds spoke in church. They talked about writing in Journals. I felt guilty and have been fighting it ever since then. Bro Lund has volumes and writes every day. Sister Lund writes on special occasions. They said we needed to find what was right for us and then go and do. They also said we need to recognize our audience. That is probably my biggest problem. I want my kids to get something out of this. However, they never come to my blog. For that matter, it seems no one does anymore. So I quit writing. I did think I needed to save this blog spot in a journal where, someday, maybe my kids could find it and gleam some bits of wisdom, so I was copying it to a regular document where I could print it out. In the process I found a member of my audience. Me. I reread some of my past entries and realized that if for no other reason I need reminders of lessons already learned so I do not need to relearn as often as I do.
Last weekend I went out on the date night with Karen. It all seemed great until we got to the annual we need goals talk. Karen loves setting goals. I don’t like it much. Goals very often seem to be very personal. I know that I am supposed to share with Karen, but sometimes I don’t want to. I do not want to be nagged about my goals. I also do not want to be lectured about what would be better goals. Hence, I really don’t even want to do this. It is uncomfortable and gets me in a bad mood. Well I reacted that way and it did nothing to help the situation. The rest of the date was not the greatest. It was more of a let’s eat fast and get home so someone else can talk. She actually said a couple of things that really hurt me. I have no doubt that she did not mean to hurt me, but it did. I hesitate to write this because in doing so it may hurt her. It is not mean to hurt anyone. In Fact because I was rereading some old entrees it made me think that I need to write this so I could learn and KEEP the lesson learned. Plus since no one comes here anymore, probably no one will see it and no one’s feeling will get hurt.
Whenever I set goals I generally do them to myself. Karen says I need to write them down so I can remember them. I can see her point and so I will do so in this entry. Also I like to look at things from an example point of view. The greatest example is the Savior. From the time of 12 years of age in the temple until he started his ministry (about 30) we have 1 scripture that sums up his growth. He grew in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and his fellow beings. I like to evaluate myself according to theses 4 categories and set goals that will keep me balance in this same way.
1- I have a couple self improvement books. I would like to finish them and try to apply them.
2 – At work I need to learn more java. I think both of these goals will make me better prepared for any circumstance that may be coming at work.
3 – study the assigned readings for Church. Yes this is under the wisdom part. Favor with God requires actions, not just the gaining of knowledge
4- Write weekly in my journal (remember my audience)

Stature (really do not want to “grow” here. Maintain is much better)
1 – Last year we started a healthy living course. I lost 10 lbs (actually 15 but put 5 back on) in order to still enjoy my food it was miserable (to me) those last 5 lbs. I want to maintain 170-175.
2 – Exercise daily (even on sick days you have to do the minimal of pushups and sit ups)
3 – Remain active with my kids playing games and participating with them.
Favor with God
1- ARK – A random act of kindness. I will start at one a day. That should lead to more. It seems to open it’s own doors. As long as I am looking for the first one of the day the rest will follow.
2- 100% Home teaching. This is hard for me. I hate appointments. I love the visits and helping my families. It is setting those blasted appointments.
3- Monthly PPI with each of my children. Learn to know them as well as my Heavenly Father knows me. I don’t think these need to be sit down interviews. In fact they may be better if we are off doing something else where they can just confide in me in a more relaxed setting. So personal 1 on 1 time with each kid each month.
4- Attend the Temple monthly
Favor with my fellow being. (These last 2 areas seem to overlap)
1- The first fellow being I need to worry about is Karen. I will try to put more thought and “ears” into our date nights
2- Monthly outings with neighbors so we can get to know them better. We have done this with a couple families and boy have we been rewarded for it.
3- Giving Larger acts of service to those when I can. Part of this will be Coaching and giving the kids the time they need from their coach. (if this was paid it would not be a BIG goal)
4- Donate platelets at least 12 times this year.
Most of these goals can be quantified. I like that. I like to be able to measure success. Some can’t. And I will keep this as an open entry. I think goals need to be reviewed and sometimes modified to be useful. Now I just need to go home and get on board with Karen for OUR goals. That is one that I think we need to understand. There is a difference. They may overlap, but these are mine. These cannot be anyone else’s goals unless you choose them, as well as I will not take anyone else’s goals that they suggest or even tell me to have. I need to choose them. If not they become tasks. And we all know those become chores. YUCK!!!
Here’s to a GREAT New Year and hoping we all have success with the goals we set for ourselves.


newsinaminute said...

thanks for letting bryan and I be in your 'audience" we think you have great thoughts and ideas--your blog entries will be a keeper in years to come--we printed our blog into a hard cover book if you ever want to look at it--have a great new year--
you have a great family and great things happening--like dr. suess says in his book "oh the places you'll go" ....

Jennica said...

I haven't read your blog in a long time. I am always uplifted when I read it. I like to read about your goals for the year. You have some great ones. I am hoping that we get to be some of your "neighbors" that you do a monthly outing with... It sounds like fun. You guys are a great family!

Anonymous said...

SO i guess you might want to know I read this. Yep. May 11th and it was on the computer screen. I admire people who set goals and work to achieve things. If i didn't know you set goals I would think you aren't working. Thanks for writing that you are setting goals.